Category Archives: Guest

Trouble In Paradise– by Guest

Christina Harris usually loves writing full-length romance and fantasy novels, but she was glad to take a challenge from SaM for a short story. She has written and self-published two full length novels, Water Burn and Stolen Soul, under the name Christina J. Reyenga.

Trouble in Paradise

There it was. Our island. It was planted somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The fog surrounds it in wisps of fantasy as we approach by air. We are sure this place will make all of our dreams come true. We’d gotten a great deal on it. It had cost us five dollars to purchase. At first we’d thought it was a joke, but then the owner explained his wife had passed away from her battle with cancer on the island and the memories there had been too horrible to bear. So we took him up on it. The island being practically free meant all of our money could be spent on turning this place into paradise. My husband, Ted, and I plan to open a resort here, but first we want to scout out the terrain and get a feel for what we need to do. The plane lands on the little strip cleared by the previous owner and the pilot, Paul, helps us unload our bags.

“I’ll return to pick you up tomorrow morning,” he says. “Meet me in this place.” Continue reading

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Filed under Guest

The Story of Stonehenge

This is our first guest post from Hannah Bielicki. Not only is she my(Sarah)  little sister, she is a Doctor Who fanatic that could probably kick your butt at whovian trivia.

The Story of Stonehenge


All her brain could think about was sleep, but her body refused to cooperate. It didn’t help that the crowded tour bus kept bumping and screeching. How anybody actually slept was beyond her knowledge. The ride became smoother as they went on, either that or she was just used to the bumps and squeals, and her eyes were closing steadily as they passed one building and another. The lure of sleep had almost won… Continue reading

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